Nigerian Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation <p>The Nigerian Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation is one of the official Journals of the Association of Educational Researchers and Evaluators of Nigeria (ASSEREN). It publishes empirical and theoretical papers covering a broad range of issues in educational research, assessment, evaluation and other related issues all emanated from papers presented at our annual conference held in Jos 2017. It contains well written articles that could serve locally and internationally. We have done our best to improve the quality of the Journal. A number of articles were received and peer-reviewed.</p> en-US (Onuka A.O.U) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 14:57:00 +0000 OJS 60 Preliminary Pages <p>This is the 23<sup>rd</sup> volume of Nigerian Journal of Educational Research in Evaluation (NJERE) of the ASSEREN which published some articles presented at the 25<sup>th</sup> Annual National Conference which held from 10th-14th, July, 23 at Post graduate Auditorium Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. The theme of the conference was "Innovative Research and Assessment for National and Global Change" with 7 contemporary sub-themes designed to provide opportunities for educators’ researchers and evaluators to share innovative ideas towards the improvement of education in institutions thereby promoting national development. In this volume there are 21 well researched and peer reviewed articles mostly empirical. the papers published are all based on the main and sub[1]themes of the conference. the editorial board acknowledges and appreciate the efforts of the editors, reviewers, and contributors for making this edition of NJERE a success. Special thanks go to the executive of ASSEREN for the great role they played and the opportunity given to us to serve. We also specially thank the editorial advisers who are distinguished members of the association. Thank you all as we hope to meet at University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.</p> Priscilla Nkolika Uzomah Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGN AND MATHEMATICS EFFICACY AS CORRELATES OF ENGINEERING STUDENTS’ EXPOSURE TO CAREER INTEREST INVENTORY ASSESSMENT AND TESTING VIA VOCATIONAL COUNSELLING IN EDO STATE <p>&nbsp;This study investigated design efficacy and mathematics efficacy as correlates of engineering students’ exposure to career interest inventory assessment and testing via vocational counselling in Edo State. Using a correlation survey design, 185 engineering students that have had vocational career counselling experience either at secondary school level before their transition to tertiary institution or at their University or Polytechnic Counselling Centre were purposively selected for the study. The Federal Ministry of Education Career Interest Inventory (CII) (α = 0.86). Design Self-Efficacy Scale (0.82) and Mathematics Self[1]Efficacy Scale (MSES) (0.80) were used for data collection. Two research questions were answered and two hypotheses tested. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance. The result revealed that design efficacy (r = .244**, N= 185, P &lt; .05) and mathematics efficacy (r = .337, N= 185, P &lt; .05) positively and significantly correlated with engineering students’ exposure to career interest inventory assessment and testing via vocational counseling. Also, relative impact of engineering students’ exposure to career interest inventory assessment and testing via vocational counselling was higher on expressed mathematics efficacy of engineering students (β=0.325) followed by design efficacy (β=0.232). Likewise, engineering students’ exposure to career interest inventory assessment and testing via vocational counseling significantly correlates with engineering students design efficacy(r = .244**, N= 185, P &lt; .05) and engineering students mathematics efficacy in the study (r = .337***, N= 185, P &lt; .05). Therefore it was recommended that students should be exposed to vocational career counselling enlightenment programmes that will help them to be aware of the strength and weaknesses and the potential capabilities they possess to adapt in their choice of career.</p> OJAGA EMMANUEL OKOIYE , THOMPSON ADAGBA ONAH Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DIFFERENTIAL ITEM FUNCTIONING OF GENERAL STUDIES MATHEMATICS EXAMINATION IN GOMBE STATE POLYTECHNIC BAJOGA, NIGERIA <p>The study investigated the incidence of Differential Item Functioning (DIF) of General Studies Mathematics Examinations of 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 by gender in Gombe State Polytechnic Bajoga. The study was guided by two (3) research questions and one (1) hypothesis. An ex-post facto research design was employed for the study. The population of the study consisted of one thousand two hundred and twenty four (1,224) students. All the populations were used as a sample. The research questions were answered using Binary Logistic Regression analysis. The hypothesis formulated was tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The findings of the research questions one, two and three revealed that 34 items functioned differently by gender on General Studies Mathematics Examinations of 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 respectively. Furthermore, the finding of the research hypothesis revealed that there is no significant difference among General Studies Mathematics Examinations in 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 with regards to gender. In view of the findings, the study recommended that, the institution should either employ test experts or pilot test the items to eliminate bias and unreliable items before administration to the examinees.</p> YAHAYA UMAR UMAR , ZAKKA KAKU , MOHAMMED ABUBAKAR Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 LEARNERS MOTIVATION: A NUANCED APPROACH TO ACHIEVING ACADEMIC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN AVO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EBONYI STATE <p>This Study Assessed Learners Motivation, a nuanced approach to achieving academic international standard among secondary school students in Avo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State. The study was carried out to find out what factors motivate learners and the impact of motivation to achieving academic international standard among secondary school students of Science and Arts. Two research questions and two hypotheses were addressed. The study adopted a comparative design. The population comprised of one thousand four hundred students (1400) comprising of eight hundred (800) arts and six hundred (600) science students in twelve (12) schools in Avo Local Government Area in Ebonyi State. The researcher adopted simple random sampling techniques to select four hundred and fifty (450) students which comprised two hundred (200) science and two hundred and fifty (250) Arts students as the sample size. The instrument used for data collection was the researchers developed questionnaire containing 16 items titled: “Learners Motivation: An Approach to Achieving Academic International Standard Questionnaire (LMANAAAISQ)”. It was divided into two (2) sections of A and B. The instruments was structured using four (4) points scale of VHE (very High Extent), three (3) HE (High Extent), two (2) VLE (Very Low Extent), one (1) LE. (Low Extent) to measure the degree of extent. The validity of the instrument was determined by three (3) experts. The study discovered that the students of Science and Arts agreed to a higher level that teaching methods and learning environment mostly motivate the students; and accepted that motivation help sustain learners activities over a period of time and allows students to fully focus as well among Secondary School Students of Science and Arts in Avo L. G. A. of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Recommendations were made which include that: The government and stakeholders and infrastructures school administrators and management of education should ensure that appraisal reports are duly sent on the conditions and situations of the schools for proper maintenance.</p> ROSEMARY N. EVANS-OBINNA , ROBERTA. NWADIUTO NWOKONKO Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECT OF CO-OPERATIVE AND SCAFFOLDING INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF SECONDARY SCHOOL CHEMISTRY STUDENTS IN IMO STATE NIGERIA <p>The study examined the effect of cooperative and scaffolding instructional strategies on academic achievement of secondary school chemistry students in Imo state the scope of the study is six coeducational secondary schools from the six education zones in Imo state. Three research questions and three hypotheses were posed to guide the study. The design of the study was quasi-experimental design. The area of the study was Imo state. The population of the study was 25,322 SS2 chemistry students. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The treatments were assigned to the schools by balloting. The sample of the study was 130 students, which was made up of 56 males and 74 females. The instrument for data collection was the researcher made chemistry achievement and retention test (CART). Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was use to test the hypotheses. The result of the study revealed that: the mean achievement scores of students taught chemistry using cooperative and scaffolding strategies differ significantly, with scaffolding strategy being more effective and the two instructional strategies used for the study were not gender selective. It was recommended among others that chemistry teachers should use scaffolding strategy often, in teaching chemistry since it was found to be more effective in enhancing students’ academic achievement and retention in chemistry.</p> F. I. UKOZOR , CARMELITA O. NWAMARA Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INFLUENCE OF COVID-19 ON LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS IN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN RIVERS STATE <p>&nbsp;COVID-19 brought in its wake, various impacts on human lives across various domains including education. This cross-sectional survey investigates the influence of COVID-19 on learning opportunities for visually impaired students in Nigerian universities. It explores the provided learning opportunities and the coping strategies adopted by the students during the pandemic. Participants were 40 visually impaired students from the University of Port Harcourt and Ignatius Ajuru University of Education. Data collection occurred through a structured questionnaire. Findings indicated that COVID-19 significantly impacted the learning opportunities for visually impaired students (78.75% agreed); students had fair learning opportunities through online platforms with magnified interfaces and some level of support (64.38% agreed); and research subjects adopted various coping strategies like early morning studies and assistance from family/friends (56.25% agreed). The study concluded that while the pandemic negatively affected learning opportunities, alternative methods like online platforms provided some level of accessibility for visually impaired students. Recommendation for educational policy formulation and implementation was made among others.</p> ALU SUKUBO TEKENA , PRECIOUS ONOME DIODEMISE Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHERS’ EFFECTIVENESS AND PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS SATISFACTION IN LEARNING PRIMARYMATHEMATICS <p>This study investigated Analysis of teacher effectiveness and pre service teacher’s satisfaction in learning Mathematics in Owerri municipal council of Imo- State. Based on the objectives of the study three hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significant. Descriptive survey research design was adopted in carrying out the study. The population of the study involved all 1,014 pre service teachers in school of early childhood care and primary education. A sample of 350 pre-service teachers was selected through a simple sampling procedure. The instruments used for data collection were Teacher Effectiveness Inventory (TEI) and Mathematics Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). The validity of the instruments was determined by two experts in mathematics education and three experts in measurement and Evaluation. The reliability of the instruments was determined using test retest method which yielded reliability coefficients of 0.93 and 0.87 respectively. Data collected were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that out of the six variables, the five variables contribute significantly to pre service teacher’s satisfaction in learning Mathematics. Therefore, it was recommended that teachers should be made to improve the skills involved in all the independent variables involved in this study through regular seminars, workshops, teachers retraining and in-service programmes.</p> EUGENE CHUKWUEMEKA UNAMBA, CHINYERE OGUOMA , N. UZOMAH Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY LECTRERS FORSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ORIENTED TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN IMO STATE <p>This study examined teaching and assessment strategies adopted by lecturers for sustainable development of science and technology-oriented tertiary institutions in Imo State. The design of the study was descriptive survey. Three research questions were drawn from the purpose of the study. The population of the study was made up of 502 final year students of the departments of Science Laboratory Technology, Agriculture and bio[1]environmental technology and chemistry of Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) and Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri (FPNO). The sample size was 248. Random sampling technique was used to select the respondents from the departments. The researchers made use ofa 24- item 4-point modified Likert type questionnaire. Reliability index was determined at a value of 0.81 using Cronbach Alpha. The data collected was analysed using mean and standard deviation. The result showed that lecturers adopted teaching, assessment and feedback strategies contribute in the sustainable development of science and technology-oriented tertiary institutions in Imo State. The researchers recommend among others that since the knowledge of science and technology is very important in the entrepreneurial skill development of students, lecturers are advised to put more efforts in improving students ability to stand practically on their own.</p> ANGELA O. DARA , JOY N. ONYEKA , CHINEDU A. NWAMARA Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD ON PUPILSACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN MATHEMATICS <p>This study examines the impact of problem-solving method on pupils’ Academic Achievement in mathematics. A pre-test post-test control group quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. Based on the purpose of the two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significant Data were collected from a sample of 117 pupils made up of 42 males and 75 females using simple random sampling techniques. The experiment was carried out on three (3) groups of pupils. Pupils in experimental groups 1 and 2 were exposed to treatment (problem-solving approach) while the control group was taught using the conventional lecture method. Face and content validity of the instrument was done by three experts, one from mathematics education and two from measurement and evaluation. The reliability co-efficient obtained for MAT using kuder-Richardson was 0.85. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that problem-solving instructional strategy improves learner’s performance in mathematics irrespective of gender. Based on findings, it was recommended that Primary School teachers who are already in service should be given adequate training through workshops, symposia, conferences and seminars to enhance and acquire better strategies of teaching mathematics.</p> RITA. C. OSUALA , IHENACHO IKE , HENRY AJAERO , FRANK ASIEGBU Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DIMENSIONALITY AND MODEL FIT ASSESSMENT OF 2022 NECO MATHEMATICS MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS IN ANAMBRA STATE <p>Mathematics multiple-choice questions (MCQs) play an indispensable role in assessing student’s knowledge level in the different aspects of mathematics. These test questions, to be valid and reliable, should have an infinitesimal variance between the scores it obtains and the student’s ability. This study evaluates the reliability and validity of 2022 NECO mathematics multiple-choice questions by assessing the dimensionality and model fit of the test items. Two research questions guided the study. The study adopted a survey design, and the population for the study was made up of all the 26,421 SSIII students of the 2022/2023 academic session who enrolled for the NECO examinations in Anambra State, out of which a sample of 1,828 was selected by the use of purposive sampling technique. Data collected was analyzed using DIMTEST statistics for research question one, and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Likelihood Ratio Test (LogLik) for research question two. The findings revealed that the 2022 NECO Mathematics MCQs do not fulfill the Item Response Theory assumption of Unidimensionality, while the data was best fitted into 4 Parameter Logistic Model (4PLM). It was recommended that examination bodies, and researchers involved in the use of IRT should ascertain the conformity of the test items to the IRT assumptions in order to avoid bias in item parameter estimation.</p> VICTOR NDUKA SOMTOO , CHUKWUEMEKA BENEDICT IKEANUMBA Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERSONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES AS PREDICTORS OF STATISTICS ANXIETY AMONG UNDERGRADUATES OF UNIVERSITIES IN CROSS RIVER STATE, NIGERIA <p>&nbsp;The study sought to find out the predictability of statistics anxiety among undergraduate students of universities in Cross River State, Nigeria using personal and environmental variables. To achieve the purpose of the study, one research question and one null hypothesis was formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. A review of related literature was carried out based on the variables of the study. Ex-post-facto research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was made up of 16,569 three hundred level students from University of Calabar and University of Cross River. Two instruments, Personal and Environment Variables Questionnaire (PEVQ) and Statistical Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) were used to gather data from 887 students. The instruments were subjected to face validation by the researchers who are experts in the field of Educational Measurement and Evaluation. Cronbach-alpha reliability method was used to determine the reliability coefficients of the instruments ranging from .610 to .816. The data collected were analysed using multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS package version 20.0. The research findings revealed that self-concept, student attitude toward learning of statistics, teacher-student relationship, classroom environment and availability of instructional facilities were found to be significant predictors of statistics anxiety among undergraduate students of universities in Cross River State. It was therefore recommended, among others, that statistics teachers should spend class time assisting students to see the day-to-day importance of the worth of statistics and also employ strategies aimed at improving undergraduate attitudes toward learning statistics. Teacher-student relationships in the courses should be considered very important. This will result in improved academic outcomes in statistics. &nbsp;</p> HYCENTH EDET NTAH, EMMANUEL BEKORFEMA UGBE, RITA CHIGOZIE OSUALA, LOVETTE AHARA OBIANUJU Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF SUCCESS RATE OF NOMADIC EDUCATION IN THE NORTH-EAST NIGERIA USING A MIXED APPROACH <p>This study examine the extent to which children of nomads have access to basic education in the North East Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design using Discrepancy Evaluation Model. The population of this study comprised all the pastoral nomadic Pupils and their stakeholders estimated at 196,254. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 900 pupils (20 pupils each from 45 schools), 225 teachers, five teacher each from the selected nomadic primary schools, 45 head teachers were involved from the 45 selected schools, 45 Nomadic Heads (jauros) i.e. 15 each from three States’ pastoral nomadic schools, 30 state Nomadic officials (10 from each States) and five (5) Directors from the National Commission for Nomadic Education Kaduna for the study In all, a total of 1,205 respondents was involved in the study. The instruments used for the study are Nomadic Community Heads Questionnaire (NCHQ), Nomadic Teachers questionnaires (NTQ) and Pupils Focus Group and Nomadic Officials Interview (PFGNOI). Based on the findings obtained from this study, it was concluded that to a great extent, nomads’ children have access to basic education in the North-East, Nigeria. Education is open to both male and female nomad children. It was recommended that the stakeholders of nomadic education should do all things possible to maintain the status of access as well as increasing rate of admission opportunities for both male and female pupils to nomadic basic education in the North east Nigeria. &nbsp;</p> MATHEW JOSEPH HAMMAN Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DIGITAL LITERACY AND LEARNING AS TOOLS TO QUALITY EDUCATION IN NIGERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN POST COVID-19 ERA <p>This study examines digital literacy and learning as tools to quality education in Nigerian secondary schools in the post-Covid-19 era, with a specific focus on Rivers State. There search objectives are to assess the digital literacy level of secondary school students, examine the impact of digital learning on academic achievement, identify challenges in implementing digital learning, and investigate the role of teacher training and support in facilitating digital literacy and digital learning. The study involved 420 teachers from various secondary schools in River State, Nigeria. Data were collected through a questionnaire-based survey and statistical analysis was conducted by use of mean responses. The findings revealed that there is confidence level of students in using digital tools, there is limited access to reliable internet connectivity, sufficient availability of digital devices. On the role of teacher training and support in facilitating digital literacy and learning, there is disagreement. That is there is insufficient training opportunities for teachers to develop their digital literacy skills, among others. Recommendations include strengthening digital literacy initiatives, enhancing instructional strategies, improving infrastructure and access, providing comprehensive teacher training, and fostering collaboration among teachers. By implementing these recommendations, Nigerian secondary schools can enhance the quality of education in the digital era. The findings of this study have implications for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders in designing and implementing effective digital learning strategies.</p> FRIDAY EKINE, NGOZIYVONE OLEFOLU, CHRISTIANA CHINWENWARU Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPARATIVE EFFECT OF COMPUTERIZED FIXED-TEST AND COMPUTER-ADAPTIVE-TEST ON MATHEMATICS TEST CHARACTERISTICS OF SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN IMO STATE <p>The study focused on the comparative effect of Computer-Fixed test and Computer-adaptive-test on mathematics test characteristics of senior secondary schools in Imo State. It adopted quasi-experimental pre-test post–test research design to compare the possible effect of CBT computerized-fixed-test and computer adaptive test on mathematics test characteristics of senior secondary schools, focusing on their difficulty index, discrimination index, distracter index, validity and reliability of items, among others. Three research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. The population for the study comprise all 2017 JAMB candidates of the six educational zones of Imo State who earlier received special training on CBT’s Computerized –Fixed – Test and Computer-Adaptive test. Six secondary schools from across the six education zones of the state were selected. Purposive sampling technique was used to sample 261 students who sat for the 2017 JAMB exam based on strength of each zone. This instrument was a 15 – item questionnaire called Computerized-Fixed-Test and Computer-Adaptive- Test Questionnaire (CFT/CATQ). The test items in the instrument was validated by two experts in the field of Educational Measurement &amp; Evaluation and one expert in the ICT Unit. To ascertain the reliability of the instrument, the Cronbach alpha reliability method was employed to determine its consistency and finally, a correlation coefficient of 0.79 was obtained. The researchers administered the instrument themselves and at last all the questionnaires were collected back ensuring a 100% return rate. The data collected were organized and then analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the research questions while the hypotheses were analyzed with the ANCOVA statistic. The findings show that CFT is more advantageous than CAT in JAMB UTME and that CFT&amp; CAT models of CBT assessment differ significantly in influencing students performances in JAMB UTME Mathematics.</p> CELESTINE K. C. IHEKWOABA , IJEOMA O. NNAMDI , ROWLAND C. NZEAKOR , LASBREY IZUCHUKWU ANYIAM Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CHANGE OF SCHOOL ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL INAKWA IBOM NORTH EAST SENATORIAL DISTRICT, AKWA IBOM STATE <p>The study was carried out to investigate the influence of change of school on secondary school students’ academic performance in AkwaIbom North East Senatorial District. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design. The population of the study was 19,135 senior secondary school two (SS2) students from the 89 public secondary schools in Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District. A sample of 258 SS2 students was purposively drawn from 18 out of 89 public secondary schools using Proportionate stratified sampling technique. The researchers collected the SS2 sampled students first and second term examination’s averages in both the previous and current schools for the 2022/2023 academic session based on the variables (school location and school change) under study from the Vice principals office through the permission granted by the principals. Development of research instrument, validation and reliability of instrument were not done because the researchers made use of already existed data (students’ examination averages) from teacher’s test instrument. Data collected was analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions while paired sample t-test and independent sample t[1]test statistics were used to test the formulated null hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The findings revealed that there is a significant difference in the Students’ academic performance in Public Secondary Schools, Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District based on school change. It was also revealed that there is no significant difference in the academic performance of students in their new school in Public Secondary Schools, Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District based on school location. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Educational Policy makers should lay more emphasis on the implications of change of school due to its effect on students’ academic performance.</p> J. B. ESSIEN , R. E. D. EKIM , ABASIFREKE NSE ESSIEN Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PRESERVICE TEACHERS’ SELF- EFFICACY AND GUIDANCE COUNSELLING IN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN IMO STATE <p>The study Sort to determine the influence guidance counselling on preservice teachers’ academic self-efficacy. One research question and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was used. 30 guidance and counseling teacher educators made up the sample for the study. Simple random sampling was used in selecting the sample, with a 25-item self-made instrument to collect the data. Data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. The findings revealed that school guidance and counseling services promote self-efficacy among mathematics pre-service teachers in tertiary institutions irrespective of gender and academic qualification of guidance educators. It was recommended that there is need for schools to avail guidance and counselling services to all students who need such services in order to promote self-efficacy in students.</p> NKIRUKA ELIZABETH OKEZIE, MARIS MARIA BEST-NJOKU Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPARISON OF METHODS TO DETECT ITEM PARAMETER DRIFT IN NABTEB SSCE FOR 2012-2015 CHEMISTRY MULTIPLE CHOICE TESTS USING IRT TECHNIQUES <p>This study investigated the comparison of methods to detect Item Parameter Drift (IPD) in National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) Senior School Certificate Examinations (SSCE) for 2012 – 2015 Chemistry multiple choice tests. The main purpose was to examine the percentages of item drift and compare the differences in the number of drifted items across the stated examinations years using two IRT techniques (Robust –z and 3 -sigma IRT) of detecting IPD. This study was guided by three research questions and one hypothesis. The study adopted the Survey research design. The population of the study was 11,844 scores of candidates who sat for the National Business and Technical Examination Board, NABTEB, SSCE Chemistry multiple choice tests in Edo State, Nigeria. The sample size used for the study was 5,040 candidates’ scores. Multistage sampling technique was employed. The instruments used to generate data were 50 item National Business and Technical Examination Board, NABTEB, SSCE Chemistry multiple choice test items each for the four years (2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015) making a total of 200 items. The instruments being standardized by their source were considered valid and reliable. However, the item parameters were estimated from candidates’ responses using EIRT (Item Response Theory Assistant for Excel) software. The two methods (Robust- z method and 3 -sigma IRT method) were used to establish the IPD, descriptive statistics of frequency count and percentage were used to answer the research questions and the hypothesis was tested using Chi- square statistics at 0.05 alpha level. The results that were obtained from the analysis showed on the whole 20 items and 80 items drifted using Robust- z method and 3 -sigma IRT method respectively in 2012 – 2015 NABTEB SSCE Chemistry multiple choice tests and it was also found out that there is no significant difference in the number of drifted items in 2012 – 2015 NABTEB SSCE Chemistry multiple choice test items using Chi- square statistics. Furthermore, it was concluded that Robust -z method was the more stable method because it flagged the least number of drifted items between the two methods. Among others, it was recommended that NABTEB and other examination bodies should use Robust -z and 3 -sigma IRT methods to detect drift to avoid false identification of drifted items.</p> AUGUSTINA ENOGIE IGHODARO , M. U. ORHERUATA Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUATION OF UBER TRANSPORTATION, DRIVERS USAGE: PERCEIVED BY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN PORT HARCOURT METROPOLIS <p>Abstract The study examined evaluation of Uber transportation, drivers usage: Perceived by University Students in Port Harcourt metropolis. The design of the study was the Survey research design. The population of the study consists of 6422 undergraduate students, 10% of the population was used, which gave a sample size of 642 undergraduate students. The instrument used for data collection was a self- constructed items titled, Uber, drivers instrument (UDI). The instrument had four sections involving the objectives of Uber such as cheap ride, the input (quality of cars) the process (driving procedures) and the output (the delivery nature of uber ride and the payment, They were all designed using 4- point likert scale with 10 items on each section. the instrument was validated by three experts in Measurement and Evaluation. Cronbach alpha was used to determine the reliability which gave an index of 0.86. Mean and Standard deviation was used to answer the Research questions. Findings revealed that the objective of cheap ride by uber are not meet. Recommendation among others was that government should monitor the objectives of e-hailing companies to avoid any form of increase in ride price.</p> CATHERINE UGADA , E.S. DAEREGO ISELEMA Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SOCIAL FACTORS AS CORRELATES OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF OLDER STUDENTS IN ADULT EDUCATOIN PROGRAMMES IN OWERRI EDUCATION ZONE 1 <p>The researcher in this study investigates the social factors as correlates of academic performance of older students in adult education Centers in Owerri Education Zone I. In order to guide the study, three research questions were posed and three null hypotheses formulated. The correlational research design was adopted. 59 respondents (24 males and 35 females) were used for the sample. A researcher-made-test was used to determine the students’ Academic Performance. The students’ unresolved conflict tension level was derived from the adapted Unresolved Conflict Tension Scale for Adults. Information on their socio[1]economic background and gender were derived from the bio-data questionnaire. The Researcher Made Test comprised a set of questions prepared in English Language, Basic Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. Each of the subjects comprised ten questions. &nbsp;A reliability of 0.81 was raised with the use of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) which proved that the instrument was reliable. Research Questions were answered with the use of Crammers Correlation. The research questions andthe hypotheses were answered and tested using crammer’s correlation coefficient and chi-square test statistics. Findings showed among others that there is no significant relationship between unresolved conflict and academic performance of the students. It was then recommended among others that adults desiring to enroll in the adult education programme should not be deterred by the fear of unresolved conflicts.</p> JULIE IJEOMA CHIDIEZIE-CHINEKE Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ASSESSMENT OF THE INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCIES OF TEACHERS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SECONDARY SCHOOL CHEMISTRY CURRICULUM IN NNEWI SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA <p>The study was conducted to assess the instructional competencies of teachers for the implementation of secondary school chemistry curriculum in Nnewi South Local Government Area. The study was guided by three research questions and descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study was 35 which include 15 principals and 20 chemistry teachers. There was no sampling as the entire population was used since it was manageable by the researcher. The data collection was carried out using 31 item structured questionnaire developed by the researcher titled: Assessment of the Instructional Competencies of Teachers for the Implementation of chemistry Curriculum Questionnaire (AICTICCQ). The instrument was validated by two lecturers from the Department of Science Education, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. The lecturers corrections and suggestions were used to produce the final copy of instrument. The instrument was tested for reliability using 20 copies on principals and teachers in Nnewi North which is not part of the population under study. The reliability coefficient of 0.76 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha method. Two research assistants were used in the administration of the questionnaire through direct delivery and retrieval method and the entire 35 copies administered were retrieved completely filled and used for data analyses, mean and standard deviation were used to answer the three research questions. Hence, the result of the data analyses indicated that all the 31 identified were the competencies possessed by teachers in instructional planning, knowledge of subject matter and classroom management. It was suggested that since effective implementation of secondary school chemistry curriculum depends partly on teachers competencies there is need to strengthen the competencies of chemistry teachers in secondary school through in-service teachers training, seminar and conferences. &nbsp;</p> PETRONILLA NGOZI UKAH, COLLINS EBERE , CHIDINMA ANTHONIA EHUJUO Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TOWARDS IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT TOOLS IN NIGERIA <p>&nbsp;Assessment is an integral part of education. The challenges being faced by students in terms of their learning outcomes such as interest, attitudes and achievement could be as a result of poor quality assessment tools being used by teachers.If the quality of assessment tools is not well ascertained by teachers, it would have negative implications on decisions made onstudents. Wrong decisions could mar the future of the learners as right decisions can improve students’ learning in the classroom. Assessment can play a vital role in improving education if used well and is of good quality. Hence, this paper examines the meaning of assessment, functions of assessment, assessment tools, towards enhancing the quality of assessment tools in classroom. It was concluded that if the quality of assessment tools is ascertained, it will go a long way in taking accurate decisions on learners. The way forward to further enhance the quality of assessment tools were recommended.</p> FEGHA EVELYN ILOGHO, JOSEPH OLUWATAYO OSAKUADE Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAMME IN UNIVERSITIES IN BENUE STATE <p>The study assessed the implementation of computer science programme in universities in Benue State. Four variables of implementation, teacher qualification, teaching methods, teacher-students ratio and laboratory equipment were used. Four research questions guided the study and descriptive design was employed. 61 staff of Computer Science department in three universities in Benue State formed the population and this was used as sample. Checklist titled Computer Science Programme implementation checklist (CSPIC), adopted from the NUC minimum guideline for Computer Science programme implementation was used for data collection. The instrument was adopted from the mandated NUC minimum standards for the implementation of Computer Science programmes. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages. Graphs/Charts were used to visualize findings. The study revealed among others that Computer Science Lecturers possess the minimum qualification required by NUC. However, each of the departments lack the necessary 70% of teachers with a Ph.D. All required teaching methods were adopted, except for seminars and computer-aided instruction. The study concluded that there are several deficiencies in the Computer Science programme implementation in universities in Benue State. Hence, there is a need to devote more attention to improving the implementation of the programme to effectively enhance the educational experience. Recommendation among others were that departmental heads should prioritize training of teachers to embrace inclusive teaching methods.</p> I. A. EGIRI, M. O. ADULOJU , C. I. AGI Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000