Association between Possession of Big Data Analytic Skills and Motivation amongst Measurement Experts: The Mediating Roles of Job Experience and Job Status
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The possession of big data analytic skills has become critical competency across all areas of life, hence the demand for experts skilled in it has increased. This study aimed at exploring the association between possession of big data analytic skills and motivation amongst measurement experts in Nigerian universities and the mediating roles of job experience and status. Non-experimental design of correlational research was adopted for the study. Population comprise 235 measurement experts in the 265 universities in Nigeria and used for the study. Two instruments - Evaluators’ Job Motivation scale (EJMS) and Big Data Analytic Checklist (BDASC), were used for data collection with reliability estimates of .88 and .76 respectively. One research question guided the study and three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The research question of the study was answered using descriptive statistics (Percentage) while inferential statistics using Model 4 of Hayes macro process in SPSS was used to answer the hypotheses at 0.05 significance level. The findings of the study revealed that a greater percentage of measurement experts in Nigerian universities do not possess and apply 4 out of the 6 big data analytic skills explored in this study such as statistical programming language, machine learning, quantitative analysis and data mining. We also found that job experience and status of measurement experts differently and jointly partially mediated the relationship between motivation and acquisition and application of big data analytic skills. It was recommended amongst others that motivation, upskilling of lecturers should be given needed attention.
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