Teachers’ Perception of Peer Assessment Technique of Secondary School Students’ Learning in Christian Religious Studies in Delta State
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Peer assessment is a collaborative process where students evaluate each other’s work and a valuable tool for both learning and growth. Teachers often lean towards teacher assessment, relying on their own evaluations. Teacher-made tests are commonly employed for teaching and learning of CRS. This assessment method though serves as a significant tool in assessing students’ understanding and progress requires some other approaches such as peer assessment technique. The study examined teachers’ perception of the peer assessment technique of secondary school students’ learning in Christian Religious Studies (CRS) in Aniocha South LGA of Delta State. The study adopted non-experimenatl design of survey research. The population of the study comprised 34 CRS teachers. A sample of 27 teachers was drawn from the population. The study was conducted in 17 privately owned secondary schools in Aniocha South LGA selected through simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire titled “Teachers’ Perception and Peer Assessment Technique Questionnaire” (TPPATQ) was used to obtain relevant information from 27 respondents selected from the CRS teachers of the privately-owned secondary schools. Three research questions guided the study. The data collected were analysed using mean and presented in tables. The result of the study showed that peer assessment was perceived by teachers as a technique that encourages classroom learning activities, student-to-student assessment, and student-teacher feedback. Peer assessment improves the learning of CRS. The study recommends that teachers adopt peer assessment in classroom learning activities in CRS.
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