Educational research and evaluation has taken root in Nigeria and the field is growing along with its peers in the rest of the world. Its influence on the education sector is also being felt and the Association of Educational Researchers and Evaluators of Nigeria (ASSEREN) is a major organ responsible for this. The Association comprises membership cutting across the academia, research and assessment agencies in Nigeria and operates in collaboration with similar ones at the regional and international levels. The annual conference of ASSEREN had by 2015 convened seventeen times. From that forum comes evidence based studies on theories and practices that provide fertile and viable decision options for the education sector in Nigeria. Articles, essentially empirical, meeting acceptable quality standards are harvested from members and published in the ASSEREN Journal of Evaluation and other scholarly journals of the Association. In pursuance of the goal of ASSEREN to continue to improve the quality and value of education and related programmes in Nigeria and the world at large, the Editorial Board hereby commend this maiden issue of the Journal of Evaluation to researchers and educationists.