Preliminary Pages
This is the 23rd volume of Nigerian Journal of Educational Research in Evaluation (NJERE) of the ASSEREN which published some articles presented at the 25th Annual National Conference which held from 10th-14th, July, 23 at Post graduate Auditorium Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. The theme of the conference was "Innovative Research and Assessment for National and Global Change" with 7 contemporary sub-themes designed to provide opportunities for educators’ researchers and evaluators to share innovative ideas towards the improvement of education in institutions thereby promoting national development. In this volume there are 21 well researched and peer reviewed articles mostly empirical. the papers published are all based on the main and sub[1]themes of the conference. the editorial board acknowledges and appreciate the efforts of the editors, reviewers, and contributors for making this edition of NJERE a success. Special thanks go to the executive of ASSEREN for the great role they played and the opportunity given to us to serve. We also specially thank the editorial advisers who are distinguished members of the association. Thank you all as we hope to meet at University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.