Vol. 17 No. 2 (2018): Nigeria Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation

The Nigerian Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation is one of the official Journals
of the Association of Educational Researchers and Evaluators of Nigeria (ASSEREN). It
publishes empirical and theoretical papers covering a broad range of issues in educational
research, assessment, evaluation and other related issues all emanated from papers presented
at our annual conference held in Jos 2017. It contains well written articles that could serve
locally and internationally.

We have done our best to improve the quality of the Journal. A number of articles were
received and peer-reviewed. Accepted papers are published in this volume 17 in two numbers
1 and 2. We acknowledge the contributors to this Edition, our Editorial Advisers and

Therefore, we present this edition with the hope that you will find it very resourceful and
informative. We look forward to your continuous contribution to the Journal.

Dr. P. U. Osadebe
Member Editorial Board..

Published: 2019-04-17

Full Issue